Friday, 6 May 2011

Old life

If you guys wanna know actually before i got to V.I = Victoria Insitution i go to Taman Melati that is nut school cause can you accept the last year exam at March i mean that is shit all of our hardworking at March i mean is that nuts all school end year exam but this end year exam change to March end year exam XD ok now for my 2nd school i go to Setapak Indah that is a good school and i have a lot of my old friends there so isn't it good?? but sadly i have to leave that school then "Bye Bye Setapak Indah :( and Hello V.I" so that was my old life i will type futhermore information of Setapak Indah when i come to that school i was so happy but eventually i got to a noob class for me the 2nd class but i suppose to get the 1st class but what i ganna do kill the teacher/principal ??? i don't think soo haha but i like Setapak Indah the sports there is quite nice but if you wanna know when i get the 2nd class nobody respect me like smart and i mean this is noob :P btw i got good greds than them so why don't they respect me right?? but the worst school is Taman Melati for me haha dont think i say Taman Melati is a noob school don't be mistaken ok ?? if you understand then great!! ok this is the end of my old life see you guys later!! TyVM!!